Day: 7 August 2008

Spring Services Anywhere

I recently embarked on some Spring "re-training" (I haven't looked at it in a few years and it was time to get my skills up to scratch again). Since the last time I looked at Spring, I have worked on a couple of rich (thick) client projects where it was almost impossible to find people with both server skills and GUI skills (the market is quite good at the moment and people like me with all those skills get snapped up very quickly ). Anyway, since it is hard to find strong GUI programmers who also know how to deploy an app server and start it, it becomes desirable to be able to run the services inside the same JVM as the GUI programmer is developing in. There is then no wasted time due to EJB configurations and all the crap that comes with server development. About 18 months ago, I got around the problem by quickly implementing a clever service locator. It worked brilliantly, the only real problem being that we had a few bugs because people had developed code which worked when services were local but not when they were remote. The effort in fixing those bugs was however minimal. On my current project, we are using a proprietary framework based on Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. Based upon its configuration, a client can call services locally or remotely too. If calling services remotely, they are invoked inside a stateless session bean which uses reflection and proxies…

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Secure Remoting with Spring and JBoss

If you are faced with having to write a rich client application in a multi-tier Java EE environment, you will typically connect to the application server over RMI. In theory, you are meant to use the servers Application Client Container and deploy your application as a client in that container. You probably won't do that though, because the client container is unfriendly for many reasons: As an example, the WebSphere 6.1 Client Container is a 200 megabyte install, Client Containers tend to be started as batch commands which set up the environment in which your application will run. If you however have an application that is meant to be started with a sexy launcher, as is the case with Eclipse RCP applications, you will struggle to get the environment created properly by the launcher, and its not supported by the vendor anyway, If you need to connect to the server securely (ie. so that serverside you have a valid security context allowing you to authorise users to call given services), then I personally have never been able to get the security callback mechanism to work. Theoretically you can tell the container to call your code at the point which it logs on to the server in order to get the credentials (eg. you can pop up a little login window), For these reasons, I have never ever used a client container in a production environment. Instead I have repeatedly gone to the trouble of getting the client environment fit so…

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